Two Feet

Born and raised in Manhattan NYC and currently residing in Harlem, Two Feet has been playing jazz and blues since he was a child. He recently graduated college, and is now pursuing his career as a singer/songwriter/producer.

Thanks for taking the time to speak with us. Your audience knows you as Two Feet. What inspired this name?

People seem to put a lot of energy into coming up with chic names or something that they think will sell. I wanted to come up with something fast and something that didn’t seem like it took itself very seriously.

We know your project started a little over two months ago, can you tell us what inspired your pursuit of music recently?

I spent a lot of time producing for other artists and people, but no one was making the type of music that I wanted to hear. So I decided to start my own project and things sorta took off quick after that.

You currently reside in NYC. Is that where you grew up? Do you feel that the city has had influence over your music/style?

I was born in NYC. The city has certainly influenced my musical style. I use a lot of trap/hip hop drums in my music because that’s mostly what I grew up listening to. I’m having a fun time mixing those sounds with blues influences.

It looks like you’ve just signed a big project with Majestic Casual. We’ve actually been seeing a trend where artists release through these channels to grow their audience and then lock in future deals with major labels. Can you tell us what your upcoming EP will be about? Will you be producing/playing instruments/singing/songwriting on it? Will there be any collaborations?

Yes they are wonderful. The EP is going to be about 7 songs. I will be producing/playing instruments/doing all the songwriting and singing, although I will most certainly have at least one track with a featured vocalist.

You have roots in jazz & blues and it’s evident with the tracks you’ve released on Soundcloud so far that this is your signature sound and it’s here to stay. Your track “Go Fuck Yourself” is a mix of unique guitar riffs, smooth beats, and effortless soul. Where do you think this soulful influence comes from in your life?

The blues riffs are certainly here to stay. Besides hip hop I’ve always been attracted to old southern and Chicago blues. An artist called Junior Kimbrough heavily influenced my guitar playing.

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Listen to “Go Fuck Yourself” above.

Since you are just launching your career, you basically have the freedom to carve an identity for yourself as an artist. You may want to keep an aura of mystery when it comes to your image or you may want to step into the lime-light when the time is right. Where do you land on this spectrum and why?

I’m a rather private person so for now I want to keep it that way. Obviously once I start playing shows people will be able to see me and I don’t have an issue with that. It has nothing to do with marketing, I’m just a little shy!


Do you see yourself playing live shows anytime in the future? If so, what would they entail?

Yes shows are coming soon. It’s sort of a one man band type thing. I’ll be using a guitar, APC40, synth, drum pad, and microphone.

What advice would you give other up and coming artists who are just launching their own careers who may be nervous to express themselves?

Write music everyday. Don’t ever let someone else convince you that you “need them” to be successful. Say what you want to say in your music. Be incredibly honest. If you want to write a song telling someone to go fuck themselves, do it. Audiences connect with honesty. If they can feel a connection to you they’ll keep coming back.

How would you define the word “success” ?

Happiness in your endeavors.

Thank you for speaking with us!

Thank you guys!


Listen to more of Two Feet’s music here.

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